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Our Curriculum

Where Students Come First


We have a play-based, emergent curriculum that revolves around the cultures (including any celebrated holidays and celebrations), developmental levels, goals, and current experiences of the children in our school.  Play-based does not mean we just stand back and let the children play.  We intentionally set up the environment in an organic way to foster learning for each individual child and are trained on how to scaffold and enrich that learning. The majority of our activities are open-ended and child-led to encourage creativity and critical thinking.  We celebrate holidays that are important to the children in the classroom.  Literacy is another large focus for our school. We have an immense collection of books that are available to the children. These books are related to their interests or intentionally placed to provoke interest. You will find teachers reading, rhyming, singing songs and doing other literacy promoting activities throughout the day here.

Each area of learning is considered during the set-up of our environment.  These areas are math, science, art, make-believe, small motor and large motor.


After speaking with numerous Kindergarten teachers, we have found that what is most important is that children enter Kindergarten with a strong foundation that can be easily built upon.  Not that they know every letter of the alphabet and can write them but that they have the skills to begin doing so. It important to us that when your child leaves they will be able to cut with scissors, hold and manipulate a pencil, cooperate with their peers, problems solve, dress themselves, make independent choices and are familiar with different forms of literacy, among other things.   We use this valuable knowledge and our education to build a well-rounded curriculum.



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