Woodshop with Jennifer
In woodshop, Jennifer teachers children how to use and respect real tools and create works of art. Woodshop foster's creativity and individualism while it also strengthens hand-eye-coordination, cognitive abilities and fine motor skills. Children learn to make a plan and implement plans with a breakdown of steps.
Yoga with Mrs Joy
Yoga is an essential tool for teaching young children self regulation, how to have a healthy body, and mind and how to cooperate and share time with peers. When in kindergarten, children are expected to sit still and “pay attention” for long periods of time. Yoga is a great way to prepare them for this and gives them the tools they need to focus and participate.
Music with Mr Hoo
Group music classes are great for an early introduction to musical skills and for general childhood development. In these classes we learn to keep a steady beat, sing and match pitch, and read simplified music notation.Music is proven to enhance brain development and to strengthen memory and listening skills. We also use fun songs that help with academic skills, such as math and reading.